BD4BO and sister projects ROADMAP, HARMONY & BigData@Heart discuss communications and outreach activities 16 Jan 2018

On 16 January, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) projects ROADMAP (focussing on Alzheimer’s diseaseAD), Harmony (Hematology) and BigData@Heart (Cardiovascular) met with BD4BO’s (Big Data for Better Outcomes) Communication and Collaboration Work Package (WP3) in Brussels, Belgium to discuss collaborative communication and outreach activities and to look ahead to 2018.

The meeting was chaired by Shahid Hanif (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry – ABPI). In depth discussions revolved around what has worked well and what needs to be improved with regard to BD4BO coordination and support activities. The project representatives gave an overview of the objectives of their projects and updates on the progress of their communication and dissemination activities.

The Communication and Collaboration Work Package then took the opportunity to discuss the communication strategies of the BD4BO projects and proposed a Twitter as well as a Webinar Plan. After this, the meeting ended with an update on communication materials that are being or may be developed including a video, external newsletter and print materials.

If you are interest in finding out more about the project(s), visit

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