Large amounts of data from multiple sources have led to the opportunity of deriving health benefits through using sophisticated technologies. Regardless of the frequently cited revolution of data- driven health care, promises remain to be fulfilled. The IMI2 BD4BO programme recognises this in representative disease areas, providing a framework to guide research and invite stakeholders to discuss the future of health systems shaped by big data. The projects will impact the research environment through shared definitions and methods to avoid duplication of work, while transforming health care systems in terms of clinical operations, research and development, evidence- based personalised medicine and public health.
The first Big Data for Better Outcomes (BD4BO) disease specific topic is titled “Real World Outcomes Across the AD Spectrum (ROADS) to Better Care”. The first phase of this topic provides an important initial step for identification and integration of AD-relevant real-world datasets that are suitable for answering questions about the natural history, cost- effectiveness, and clinical utility of new and innovative treatment interventions across the entire spectrum of the disease. The proposed pilot project under this topic (titled “ROADMAP”) will align outcomes and methods to develop an approach within existing data systems to efficiently enable initiation, maintenance, and evaluation of the right treatment to the right patient at the right time in health care systems. Engagement with health technology assessment (HTA)/ national health care bodies, regulators, and patient advocacy groups will ensure that proposals for future prospective data collection efforts are relevant to access and reimbursement questions. The initial results produced by ROADMAP will be critical to ensure that the work proposed in the second phase of the project is realistic in scope, relevant to stakeholder needs, and complementary to ongoing IMI2 and other EU collaborations for better patient outcomes from pre-clinical/early stages of AD through all dementia stages.
The whole issue (Volume 23, Issue 1) is available online at:
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