On 18 October, Barcelona (Spain), WP6 – which focuses on regulatory and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) engagement – organised the first Regulatory, HTA, and payer Expert Advisory Group (EXAG) meeting for the ROADMAP project.
The aim of the EXAG meeting was for the project to present and discuss their results with the EXAG members. The meeting was chaired by WP6 leads, Robin Thompson as well as Jacoline Bouvy and mainly focussed on discussions on ongoing work on the development of a model that illustrates how people move through all the stages of Alzheimer’s disease / dementia, from very early (to before the start of any symptoms) to the later stages of the disease. WP5 (Health Economics) discussed questions regarding their economic model with the panel, such as economic, legal and ethical aspects of including (formal and informal) caregiver time in the model. ROADMAP was very pleased about the attendance and contribution of Alzheimer Europe’s European Working Group of People With Dementia (EWGPWD) Chair Helen Rocheford-Brennan and her supporter Carmel Geoghegan during the meeting. The very open and lively discussion was inspiring for both WP5 and EXAG members as well as the other ROADMAP attendees.
For more information on the EXAG, check out our advisory group.
On the photo from left to right: Jacoline Bouvy, Anja Schiel, Robin Thompson, Niklas Hedberg, Christine Gispen-de Wied, Raj Long, Entela Xoxi, Antonella Santuccione Chadha, Helen Rocheford-Brennan, Carmel Geoghegan
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