On 25 and 26 April (Barcelona, Spain), the ROADMAP consortium met for the 5th General Assembly Meeting (GAM). The meeting was chaired by Project Coordinator John Gallacher (University of Oxford), Project Leader Frédéric Reydet de Vulpillieres (Novartis) as well as Project Manager Carlos Diaz (Synapse). The aim of the meeting was to provide updates on the different Work Packages (WPs), to discuss WP-specific progress as well as to identify activities that need further cross-WP collaboration.
During the first day of the meeting, the Consortium members discussed WP-specific activities in workshops. These encompassed a visualization of available data sources for outcomes called the “data cube”, progress of the health economics team with regard to their health economic modelling activities, the validation of disease progression models, a systematic literature review on the ethics of predictive modelling for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) secondary prevention as well as the potential data sources with real-world evidence in Europe.
During the second day, presentations followed with updates on the activities of the project’s work streams. During the first session Carlos Diaz and Sandra Pla reported on the current status of the project and gave an update on the financials as well as the reporting to the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). This was succeeded by key topics for the next phase which encompassed; the project’s data cube, updates on the outcome prioritisation progress and model validation results.
After that, the health economics team provided an overview of the recent developments with regard to the proof of concept models. Then, the attendees obtained updates on the regulatory and health technology assessment (HTA) engagement, communication as well as the ethics activities. At the end of the meeting, the chairs provided an overview of the action items that need to be tackled and outlook towards the next meetings.
Listen to our Project Coordinator giving you an update on the General Assembly Meeting.
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